Klasse Marshalling


public final class Marshalling extends Object
Contains static methods for marshalling values.
  • Methodendetails

    • getDBusType

      public static String getDBusType(Type[] _javaType) throws DBusException
      Will return the DBus type corresponding to the given Java type. Note, container type should have their ParameterizedType not their Class passed in here.
      _javaType - The Java types.
      Gibt zurück:
      The DBus types.
      Löst aus:
    • convertJavaClassesToSignature

      public static String convertJavaClassesToSignature(Class<?>... _javaType) throws DBusTypeConversationRuntimeException
      Will return the DBus type corresponding to the given Java type. Note, container type should have their ParameterizedType not their Class passed in here.
      _javaType - The Java types.
      Gibt zurück:
      The DBus types
      Löst aus:
      DBusTypeConversationRuntimeException - when conversation fails
      5.1.0 - 2024-05-19
    • getDBusType

      public static String[] getDBusType(Type _javaType) throws DBusException
      Will return the DBus type corresponding to the given Java type. Note, container type should have their ParameterizedType not their Class passed in here.
      _javaType - The Java type.
      Gibt zurück:
      The DBus type.
      Löst aus:
      DBusException - If the given type cannot be converted to a DBus type.
    • getDBusType

      public static String[] getDBusType(Type _dataType, boolean _basic) throws DBusException
      Will return the DBus type corresponding to the given Java type. Note, container type should have their ParameterizedType not their Class passed in here.
      _dataType - The Java type.
      _basic - If true enforces this to be a non-compound type. (compound types are Maps, Structs and Lists/arrays).
      Gibt zurück:
      The DBus type.
      Löst aus:
      DBusException - If the given type cannot be converted to a DBus type.
    • getJavaType

      public static int getJavaType(String _dbusType, List<Type> _resultValue, int _limit) throws DBusException
      Converts a dbus type string into Java Type objects,
      _dbusType - The DBus type or types.
      _resultValue - List to return the types in.
      _limit - Maximum number of types to parse (-1 == nolimit).
      Gibt zurück:
      number of characters parsed from the type string.
      Löst aus:
      DBusException - on error
    • convertParameters

      public static Object[] convertParameters(Object[] _parameters, Type[] _types, String[] _customSignatures, AbstractConnectionBase _conn) throws DBusException
      Recursively converts types for serialization onto DBus.

      When _customSignature is not empty or null, it will be used to wrap the given parameters to a Variant
      of the type defined in the _customSignature array.
      It is required that every Variant passed has a signature definition in _customSignature.
      E.g. 3 Objects are given in _parameters: String, Variant, Variant.
      Then it is expected that _customSignature (if used) contains 2 entries one for each Variant.

      If the _customSignature is smaller than the count of Variants in _parameters, all remaining Variants
      are created without a explicit signature (Variant constructor will try to determine type automatically).
      If more entries are given then Variants found in _parameters, the additional signatures are ignored.
      _parameters - The parameters to convert.
      _types - The (possibly generic) types of the parameters.
      _customSignatures - custom signatures used for variants found in _types, each found variant must have one matching custom signature
      _conn - the connection
      Gibt zurück:
      The converted parameters.
      Löst aus:
      DBusException - Thrown if there is an error in converting the objects.
    • convertParameters

      public static Object[] convertParameters(Object[] _parameters, Type[] _types, AbstractConnectionBase _conn) throws DBusException
      Recursively converts types for serialization onto DBus.
      _parameters - The parameters to convert.
      _types - The (possibly generic) types of the parameters.
      _conn - the connection
      Gibt zurück:
      The converted parameters.
      Löst aus:
      DBusException - Thrown if there is an error in converting the objects.
    • deSerializeParameters

      public static Object[] deSerializeParameters(Object[] _parameters, Type[] _types, AbstractConnectionBase _conn) throws Exception
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