Klasse Util


public final class Util extends Object
Utility class providing helper methods for handling strings, files and so on.
v3.2.5 - 2020-12-28
  • Methodendetails

    • readProperties

      public static Properties readProperties(File _file)
      Trys to read a properties file. Returns null if properties file could not be loaded
      _file - property file to read
      Gibt zurück:
      Properties Object or null
    • readProperties

      public static Properties readProperties(InputStream _stream)
      Tries to read a properties file from an inputstream.
      _stream - input stream providing property file content
      Gibt zurück:
      properties object/null
    • isBlank

      public static boolean isBlank(String _str)
      Checks if the given String is either null or blank. Blank means:
       " " - true
       "" - true
       null - true
       " xx" - false
      _str - string to test
      Gibt zurück:
      true if string is blank or null, false otherwise
    • strEquals

      public static boolean strEquals(String _str1, String _str2)
      Null-safe equals for two strings.
      _str1 - first string
      _str2 - second string
      Gibt zurück:
      true if both are equal (also true if both are null)
    • isEmpty

      public static boolean isEmpty(String _str)
      Checks if the given String is either null or empty. Blank means:
       " " - false
       "" - true
       null - true
       " xx" - false
      _str - string to test
      Gibt zurück:
      true if string is empty or null, false otherwise
    • randomString

      public static String randomString(int _length)
      Generate a simple (cryptographic insecure) random string.
      _length - length of random string
      Gibt zurück:
      random string or empty string if _length <= 0
    • upperCaseFirstChar

      public static String upperCaseFirstChar(String _str)
      Upper case the first letter of the given string.
      _str - string
      Gibt zurück:
      uppercased string
    • snakeToCamelCase

      public static String snakeToCamelCase(String _input)
      Converts a snake-case-string to camel case string.
      Eg. this_is_snake_case → thisIsSnakeCase
      _input - string
      Gibt zurück:
      camel case string or input if nothing todo. Returns null if input was null.
    • abbreviate

      public static String abbreviate(String _str, int _length)
      Abbreviates a String using ellipses.
      _str - string to abbrivate
      _length - max length
      Gibt zurück:
      abbreviated string, original string if string length is lower or equal then desired length or null if input was null
    • isValidNetworkPort

      public static boolean isValidNetworkPort(int _port, boolean _allowWellKnown)
      Check if the given value is a valid network port (1 - 65535).
      _port - 'port' to check
      _allowWellKnown - allow ports below 1024 (aka reserved well known ports)
      Gibt zurück:
      true if int is a valid network port, false otherwise
    • isValidNetworkPort

      public static boolean isValidNetworkPort(String _str, boolean _allowWellKnown)
      _str - string to check
      _allowWellKnown - allow well known port
      Gibt zurück:
      true if valid port, false otherwise
      Siehe auch:
    • isInteger

      public static boolean isInteger(String _str, boolean _allowNegative)
      Check if string is an either positive or negative integer.
      _str - string to validate
      _allowNegative - negative integer allowed
      Gibt zurück:
      true if integer, false otherwise
    • readFileToList

      public static List<String> readFileToList(String _fileName)
      Reads a file to a List<String> (each line is one entry in list). Line endings (line feed/carriage return) are NOT removed!
      _fileName - file to read
      Gibt zurück:
      list containing text
    • readFileToString

      public static String readFileToString(File _file)
      Reads a file to a String. Line endings (line feed/carriage return) are NOT removed!
      _file - file to read
      Gibt zurück:
      String containing content, maybe null
    • getTextfileFromUrl

      public static List<String> getTextfileFromUrl(String _url, Charset _charset, boolean _silent)
      Reads a text file from the given URL using the provided charset. Using the _silent argument optionally disables all error logging.
      _url - url providing the file to read
      _charset - charset to use
      _silent - true to not log exceptions, false otherwise
      Gibt zurück:
      list of string or null on error
    • readTextFileFromStream

      public static List<String> readTextFileFromStream(InputStream _input, Charset _charset, boolean _silent)
      Reads a text file from given InputStream using the given Charset.
      _input - stream to read
      _charset - charset to use
      _silent - true to disable exception logging, false otherwise
      Gibt zurück:
      List of string or null on error
    • writeTextFile

      public static boolean writeTextFile(String _fileName, String _fileContent, Charset _charset, boolean _append)
      Write String to file with the given charset. Optionally appends the data to the file.
      _fileName - the file to write
      _fileContent - the content to write
      _charset - the charset to use
      _append - append content to file, if false file will be overwritten if existing
      Gibt zurück:
      true on successful write, false otherwise
    • getHostName

      public static String getHostName()
      Gets the host name of the local machine.
      Gibt zurück:
      host name
    • collectionContainsAny

      public static <T> boolean collectionContainsAny(Collection<T> _haystack, Collection<T> _needles)
      Checks if any of the 'needle' values are found in 'haystack'.
      T - type
      _haystack - collection to check
      _needles - values to find
      Gibt zurück:
      true if any value found, false if any parameter null or no matching value found
    • getCurrentUser

      public static String getCurrentUser()
      Determines the current logged on user.
      Gibt zurück:
      logged on user
    • isMacOs

      public static boolean isMacOs()
      Checks if the running OS is a MacOS/MacOS X.
      Gibt zurück:
      true if MacOS (or MacOS X), false otherwise
    • isFreeBsd

      public static boolean isFreeBsd()
    • isWindows

      public static boolean isWindows()
      Checks if the running OS is a MS Windows OS.
      Gibt zurück:
      true if Windows, false otherwise
    • getJavaVersion

      public static int getJavaVersion()
      Get the java version of the current running JRE.
      Gibt zurück:
      java major
    • genGUID

      public static String genGUID()
      Create a random GUID (used for connection addresses).
      Gibt zurück:
    • createDynamicSessionAddress

      public static String createDynamicSessionAddress(boolean _listeningSocket, boolean _abstract)
      Creates a unix socket address using.
      _listeningSocket - true if the address should be used for a listing socket
      _abstract - true to create an abstract socket
      Gibt zurück:
      address String
    • checkIntInRange

      public static int checkIntInRange(int _check, int _min, int _max)
      Checks if given value is greater or equal to the given minimum and less or equal to the given maximum.
      _check - value to check
      _min - minimum allowed value (including)
      _max - maximum allowed value (including)
      Gibt zurück:
      given value if in range
      Löst aus:
      IllegalArgumentException - when given value is out of range
      4.2.0 - 2022-07-13
    • setFilePermissions

      public static void setFilePermissions(Path _path, String _fileOwner, String _fileGroup, Set<PosixFilePermission> _fileUnixPermissions)
      Setup the unix socket file permissions. User and group can always be set, file permissions are only set on non-windows OSes.
      _path - path to file which where permissions should be set
      _fileOwner - new owner for the file
      _fileGroup - new group for the file
      _fileUnixPermissions - unix permissions to set on file
    • waitFor

      public static <T extends Throwable> void waitFor(String _lockName, IThrowingSupplier<Boolean,T> _wait, long _timeoutMs, long _sleepTime) throws T
      Waits for the provided supplier to return true or throws an exception.

      This method will call the provided supplier every _sleepTime milliseconds to check if the supplier returns true.
      If supplier returns true, method will return. If no value is present after the defined _timeoutMs a IllegalStateException is thrown.

      T - exception type which might be thrown
      _lockName - name for the lock (used in exception text and logging)
      _wait - supplier to wait for
      _timeoutMs - timeout in milliseconds when wait will fail
      _sleepTime - sleep time between each retries
      Löst aus:
      T - when timeout is reached
    • unwrapTypeRef

      public static Type unwrapTypeRef(Class<?> _type)
      Gets the type wrapped by a TypeRef interface.
      _type - class to unwrap
      Gibt zurück:
      Type used in TypeRef if class is extending TypeRef interface, null otherwise
    • toObjectArray

      public static Object[] toObjectArray(Object _obj)
      Convert a object of arbitrary type to an object array.
      If input is null or not an array, an empty array will be returned.
      _obj - object of arbitrary type
      Gibt zurück:
      object array
    • defaultString

      public static String defaultString(String _input, String _default)
      Return a default String if input is null.
      _input - input string
      _default - default to use if input is null
      Gibt zurück:
      input string or default