Klasse DBusBoundPropertyHandler

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:
Closeable, AutoCloseable
Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:

public abstract sealed class DBusBoundPropertyHandler extends ConnectionMethodInvocation permits ConnectionMessageHandler
Abstract class containing methods for handling DBus properties and DBusBoundProperty annotation.
Part of the AbstractConnectionBaseConnectionMethodInvocationDBusBoundPropertyHandlerConnectionMessageHandlerAbstractConnection hierarchy.
5.1.0 - 2024-03-18
  • Konstruktordetails

  • Methodendetails

    • handleDBusBoundProperties

      protected org.freedesktop.dbus.connections.base.DBusBoundPropertyHandler.PropHandled handleDBusBoundProperties(ExportedObject _exportObject, MethodCall _methodCall, Object[] _params) throws DBusException
      Method which handles the magic related to DBusBoundProperty annotation.
      It takes care of proper method calling (calling Get/Set stuff on DBus Properties interface)
      and will also take care of converting wrapped Variant types.
      _exportObject - exported object
      _methodCall - method to call
      _params - parameter to pass to method
      _conn - connection
      Gibt zurück:
      Any of:
      DBusBoundPropertyHandler.PropHandled.HANDLED when property was defined by annotation and was handled by this method
      DBusBoundPropertyHandler.PropHandled.NOT_HANDLED when object implements DBus Properties but the requested property was not defined by annotation
      DBusBoundPropertyHandler.PropHandled.NO_PROPERTY when property is not defined by annotation and object does not implement DBus Properties
      Löst aus:
      DBusException - when something fails
    • handleGetAll

      protected org.freedesktop.dbus.connections.base.DBusBoundPropertyHandler.PropHandled handleGetAll(ExportedObject _exportObject, MethodCall _methodCall) throws DBusException
      Called when 'GetAll' method of DBus Properties interface is called.
      _exportObject - exported object
      _methodCall - method call
      Gibt zurück:
      DBusBoundPropertyHandler.PropHandled.HANDLED when call was handled DBusBoundPropertyHandler.PropHandled.NOT_HANDLED otherwise
      Löst aus:
      DBusException - when handling fails
    • handleGet

      protected org.freedesktop.dbus.connections.base.DBusBoundPropertyHandler.PropHandled handleGet(ExportedObject _exportObject, MethodCall _methodCall, Object[] _params)
      Called when 'Get' method of DBus Properties interface is called.
      _exportObject - exported object
      _methodCall - method call
      _params - parameters for method call
      Gibt zurück:
      Any of:
      DBusBoundPropertyHandler.PropHandled.HANDLED when property was defined by annotation and was handled by this method
      DBusBoundPropertyHandler.PropHandled.NOT_HANDLED when object implements DBus Properties but the requested property was not defined by annotation
      DBusBoundPropertyHandler.PropHandled.NO_PROPERTY when property is not defined by annotation and object does not implement DBus Properties
    • handleSet

      protected org.freedesktop.dbus.connections.base.DBusBoundPropertyHandler.PropHandled handleSet(ExportedObject _exportObject, MethodCall _methodCall, Object[] _params)
      Called when 'Set' method of DBus Properties interface is called.
      _exportObject - exported object
      _methodCall - method call
      _params - method call parameters
      Gibt zurück:
      DBusBoundPropertyHandler.PropHandled.HANDLED when property was definied by annotation, DBusBoundPropertyHandler.PropHandled.NOT_HANDLED otherwise