Verwendungen von Klasse
Packages, die AbstractConnection verwenden
Verwendungen von AbstractConnection in org.freedesktop.dbus
Methoden in org.freedesktop.dbus, die AbstractConnection zurückgebenMethoden in org.freedesktop.dbus mit Parametern vom Typ AbstractConnectionModifizierer und TypMethodeBeschreibungstatic Object
(Object[] _rp, Method _m, AbstractConnection _conn) static Object
(Object[] _rp, Type[] _types, Method _m, AbstractConnection _conn) static Object
(RemoteObject _ro, Method _m, Type[] _types, AbstractConnection _conn, int _syncmethod, CallbackHandler<?> _callback, Object... _args) static Object
(RemoteObject _ro, Method _m, String[] _customSignatures, Type[] _types, AbstractConnection _conn, int _syncmethod, CallbackHandler<?> _callback, Object... _args) Executes a remote method.static Object
(RemoteObject _ro, Method _m, AbstractConnection _conn, int _syncmethod, CallbackHandler<?> _callback, Object... _args) Konstruktoren in org.freedesktop.dbus mit Parametern vom Typ AbstractConnectionModifiziererKonstruktorBeschreibungDBusAsyncReply
(MethodCall _mc, Method _me, AbstractConnection _conn) RemoteInvocationHandler
(AbstractConnection _conn, RemoteObject _remote) -
Verwendungen von AbstractConnection in org.freedesktop.dbus.connections.base
Methoden in org.freedesktop.dbus.connections.base mit Parametern vom Typ AbstractConnectionModifizierer und TypMethodeBeschreibungvoid
(MethodCall _call, Method _method, CallbackHandler<?> _callback, AbstractConnection _connection) -
Verwendungen von AbstractConnection in org.freedesktop.dbus.connections.impl
Klassen in org.freedesktop.dbus.connections.impl mit Typparametern vom Typ AbstractConnectionModifizierer und TypKlasseBeschreibungclass
BaseConnectionBuilder<R extends BaseConnectionBuilder<R,
C>, C extends AbstractConnection> Base class for connection builders containing commonly used options.Unterklassen von AbstractConnection in org.freedesktop.dbus.connections.implModifizierer und TypKlasseBeschreibungfinal class
Handles a connection to DBus.class
Handles a peer to peer connection between two applications without a bus daemon. -
Verwendungen von AbstractConnection in org.freedesktop.dbus.propertyref
Methoden in org.freedesktop.dbus.propertyref mit Parametern vom Typ AbstractConnectionModifizierer und TypMethodeBeschreibungstatic Object
(AbstractConnection _conn, RemoteObject _remote, Method _method, Object[] _args) Handles theDBusBoundProperty
The special handling is needed because when this annotation is used the
object uses the DBusProperties
interface without explicitly implementing it.
In that case we have to fake the presents of this interface and also take care about
the types which have to be wrapped inVariant
(due to DBus Properties specify that every property value is aVariant